Jun 17, 2018
Apr 22, 2018
Amazon has added a lot of features to Alexa Skills Kit over the past year. Voicebot asked two of the most experienced Alexa developers to weigh in on some of the biggest feature additions. Octavio Menocal has developed over 70 Alexa skills both personally and with RAIN Agency. Eric Olson is an Alexa Champion who...
Dec 18, 2017
Oren Jacob is co-founder and CEO of Pullstring. Founded in 2011, Pullstring is maker of Converse, an enterprise SaaS platform for building, deploying and maintaining conversational apps. Oren discusses how his 20-year career making movies at Pixar influences his approach to voice app and multimodal design. He goes into...
Oct 31, 2017
Brad Abrams is Group Product Manager for Google Assistant. He takes time in this interview to share experiences from the first year of the voice assistant platform. From the launch of Google Assistant on Google Home and smartphones, to the expansion into seven different countries with more on the way, Brad shares some...
Jul 23, 2017
There is a lot of focus on the big voice platforms from Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Apple, but what about the independent platforms that will challenge the status quo? Voicebot sat down with SoundHound's Katie McMahon to hear about a different approach to voice engagement. Whereas the big platforms set their own rules...