Sep 24, 2018
Amazon held their now annual Alexa hardware event this past week in Seattle. Voicebot was onsite for demonstrations of 12 new Alexa products and 70 other announcements. Voicebot Podcast interviewed Jefferson Graham (USA Today), Nico Jurran (C'T Magazin in Germany), and Jeffrey Dastin (Reuters) to capture both the...
Sep 16, 2018
Omar Tawakol is CEO and co-founder of Voicera which he says is creating a conversations inbox and system of record for meetings. The core solution is automated meeting transcription that also generates meeting notes with a highlights summary. Omar goes into detail about how the Ensemble service applies multiple...
Sep 9, 2018
Adam Marchick sat down to discuss his journey with Voice Labs and Alpine AI and the recent acquisition by Headspace. He breaks down the three phases of Voice Labs + Alpine (analytics, ad monetization, discovery) and why Headspace wanted to bring the company in house. We also go into Adam's experience in engineering and...
Sep 2, 2018