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The Voicebot Podcast

Apr 19, 2020

Many people have been stuck inside for the past several weeks and some are trying out voice games to pass the time or just explore the latest developments in voice-interactive entertainment. 
Two games that have gotten a good deal of attention are The Vortex and the 3% Challenge, both from Doppio Games. These offer different examples of how to implement a game strategy on the leading voice platforms and serve as a jumping-off point for the conversation today with Jeferson Valadares, the co-founder and CEO of Doppio Games. We discuss these games in depth, how they differ creatively and from a business model standpoint. We also talk about monetization strategies, how voice revenue models differ from mobile and other gaming platforms and much more. 
Jeferson brings a deep background in game development to Doppio. He is a member of the Board of Directors at Rovio Entertainment was formerly VP/GM of the BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment and also spent time at top tier game studios such as EA, BioWare, and Digital Chocolate.