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The Voicebot Podcast

Nov 21, 2021

Roger Kibbe is Senior Developer Evangelist at Viv Labs which is the home of Bixby in Samsung Research Americas. Today, we discuss the evolution of Bixby and voice assistants over the past five years. In particular, we break down the new Bixby Home features and the rise of AI in smart home features. We also go into depth...

Nov 8, 2021

Shawn Wilkie is CEO of Talkatoo. A cross-platform speech-to-text solution for Veterinarians. It streamlines patient data input and works across multiple platforms.
He founded the company in 2019 with the first product arriving late in the year. The onset of the pandemic led to rapid acceleration of vet adoption which...

Nov 4, 2021

Elena Parlatore is the senior director of global digital consumer experience at Pepsico. Her role in the consumer insights group focuses on all of the ways consumers interact with Pepsico products and channels. A big part of that work is focused on consumer interaction with conversational AI technologies through Amazon...