Oct 31, 2023
The Generative AI News (GAIN) rundown for September 14, 2023 is here. We are seeing another acceleration in the news cycle. Featured stories this week include:
NVIDIA and the Chip Industry Rises - New GPU performance gains for existing H100 chips, the expected improvements from the GH200, and a revenue rise for the global semiconductor industry.
Jobs at Risk From Generative AI - A Forrester study calls out some professions that will be most impacted by generative AI automation and will either eliminate jobs or create the need for new skills.
LLMs that Reason and Act - We discuss the Imbue funding round and why enabling LLMs that reason and agents that can act on our behalf requires total company focus to reach the objective.
Links to the stories we covered this week are included below.
Featured Stories of the Week 🔦
NVIDIA Drives Higher GPU Performance and Sets a New Standard in MLPerf Benchmark
Generative AI Gives Global Semiconductor Revenue a Lift After More Than a Year of Delines
`Generative AI Funding Fountain 💰⛲️
Generative AI Product Garden 🪴
Salesforce’s Einstein Copilot is Positioned as a Conversational AI Assistant for CRM
Roblox Debuts Generative AI Assistant for Building Virtual Worlds
Generative AI in the World 🌏
GAIN is recorded live and streamed via YouTube and LinkedIn. You can re-watch each week’s discussion on Voicebot’s YouTube channel. Please join us live next week on YouTube or LinkedIn at 11 a.m. ET. Also, please participate in the live show by commenting, and we are likely to give you a shoutout and may even show your comment on screen.