Aug 18, 2023
The Generative AI News (GAIN) rundown for August 11, 2023 is here. Special segments this week include:
GPTBot and OpenAI’s plans to politely crawl the web, along with how most websites will react or should react
Amazon’s generative AI strategy and how that will carve out unique positioning compared to OpenAI, Google, and others
The significance of Alexa’s top exec shifting to generative AI
My colleague Eric Schwartz and I were joined this week by Vixen Labs CEO James Poulter to go deep on our first four stories. Thanks James! 🦊
Links related to the stories are included below if you want to go deeper into any topics.
Top Stories of the Week
Amazon’s generative AI strategy, its three-tier model, and market positioning
The significance of Alexa’s top exec shifting to generative AI
Generative AI Funding Fountain
Generative AI Product Garden
Brands in Generative AI Lands
Google and Universal Music Group pursue licensing deal for deepfake songs
Zoom adjusts policy on generative AI training with customer data following public outcry
Apple finally begins focusing on generative AI with a new hiring spree
GAIN is recorded live and streamed via YouTube and LinkedIn on Thursdays. You can re-watch each week’s discussion on Voicebot’s YouTube channel. Please join us live next week on YouTube or LinkedIn. Also, please participate in the live show by commenting, and we are likely to give you a shoutout and may even show your comment on screen. Or, just listen to the podcast here!